I Am Building My Church
July 14, 2024

I Am Building My Church

Passage: Act 1:1-14

Questions to think about:

  1. What is the Church?
  2. When did preparation for the Church begin?
  3. When did the Church become reality?
  4. When will the building of the Church be completed?
  5. What is the purpose of the Church?
  6. Who comprises (makes up) the Church?
  7. What does the Church do in the world?
  8. What is meant by building the Church?
  9. What is used to build the Church?
  10. How important is the Church to me?
  11. Is the Church a temporal reality or eternal reality?
  12. What is my responsibility to the Church; for the Church?
  13. What, if any, differences are there between the Universal Church and the Local Church?
  14. What can hinder the Church from being built?